Wednesday, 30 June 2010

I told you it was cold and rainy yesterday. This shot was taken just before it was time to find the umbrella.... Anyway, the sporty people were busy warming up before the real game started up at the big arena. I was pleased to see that they had more clothes on than just their very small beach volleyball clothes...
It was totally different walking through the area this year on such a grey day!
As you can see the harbor was busy. Thousands of tourists from MSC POESIA spent a day in Stavanger, or they went on guided tours to the nearby fjord or mountains. I heard lots of Spanish and Italian.

( ONE MORE THING: My friend Tina who has a daughter, age 18, and a 13 year old son, is looking for a new place to live. The bank has a competition, she can win 250.000
Each week one person who votes can win 9.999 That could be you or me.... All we need to do is to follow this link, put our e-mail inside the "box" and click the yellow label saying "Stem"(vote). You can vote ONCE EVERY DAY until August 15th. The link is here: )

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Sweet Seventeen: Synne, Cecilie and Jeanette.
They are friends from schooldays. Cecilie is not living in Stavanger now, but was back visiting the other two. I seriously heard them "giggling" before I noticed them...
I thought they looked happy-smart and cooool in their raincoats on this grey and rainy day!

Monday, 28 June 2010

It is nice to see what some people manage to create. I have passed this colorful garden so many times and it really impresses me.
Many people hide their flowers behind fences and hedges. Not this owner who I had a quick chat with. She got her interest for flowers and plants from her grandfather she told me.

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Apart from a few small food-shops and some kiosk's, ALL shops are closed in NORWAY on Sundays. ( Some are open some hour's on Sundays in the beginning of December.)

This is "Reflections" in Kirkegaten/ The Church Road.

Saturday, 26 June 2010

The preparations for have started. There are more than 300 volunteers who will do all sorts of different jobs to make this BIG event run smoothly.
These young people were busy ..... A lot of concentration and cooperation is necessary.

Friday, 25 June 2010

Late evening, out on a Kajak trip around the fjord and islands (that have several bridges in to the city centre.) I don`t know who they where, but it looked like it was a nice thing to be doing and that they were really enjoying it.

Thursday, 24 June 2010

" Today`s sandwich "- for lunch.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

When I heard Swedish today, I thought " probably someone working in Norway"....
But that is not always the case, even the fact that of all the "foreigners" in our country, our neighbors the Swedes, are on the top of the list.
Anyway, these two young women Malena from Naustdal/ Sunnfjord/Norway and Maria from Alingsås near Gothenburg/Sweden had met in America where they where both studying for a year. Malena was in Stavanger to do part of a degree, and Maria was just visiting her.
It was nice meeting them, - and this time I used pen and paper to remember "who was who".

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Look who I met tonight.... :)

Monday, 21 June 2010

What do you collect?
The reason for asking has to do with an exhibition I went to see last weekend at Hå Gamle Prestegård, showing a number of different collections. I saw stamps, coins, silver items, buttons, magazines, films, thimbles, spoons, old photos, postcards, cameras etc.....
This is a snapshot of a wall with drawings collected from people all over the world ....
If you or someone you know wants to participate, the drawings might end up in a book.
Read the story behind the one million giraffes, and see what started it, and how it is going.

Sunday, 20 June 2010

(Day one of year two for "")

I just want to show you a corner of the "Sola Strand Hotel". A hotel that also keeps old historical memories, and lets them be a part of the hotel atmosphere.
Today has been a lovely SUNNY day! I just hope it will be warmer soon .....
The photograph on the wall shows how the hotel looked in it`s early days.

Saturday, 19 June 2010

It is a special DAY today. Sweden, have their ROYAL WEDDING, and I am now watching TV and the couple cutting the famous wedding cake. Congratulations Sweden!!:)
I don't have a cake, but I have opened a nice bottle of wine and I will say "cheers" to them and also to me, celebrating the one year-anniversery of this blog!

Todays photo is the most pretty and creative gate I have seen in my city.
I have decided to continue posting.
I have not missed a day without posting so far, and I have to say a big THANK YOU to ALL OF YOU who have commented and/or become one of my blog followers. Two of you I will meet later this summer. I really look forward to that!:)

Friday, 18 June 2010

A sign of summer!
But today we have had a bit of sunshine, rain and strong winds!
Anyway, - have a nice weekend!

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Tjensvoll/Hafrsfjord area.
It shows how close most houses are to each other.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Tjensvoll seen looking towards Ullandhaug (Ullandhaug is the name of both the tower that you can see and the surrounding area).
Up in the right hand corner, you can see "Haugtussa", a residential area that I showed a photo from a few days ago.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Stavanger is on top when it comes to the number of roundabouts in Norway.
This photo was taken last night around 22.15. and shows the brand new and very expensive construction that now leads pedestrians and cyclists around this busy place that has been there for years. Now it has become "slightly" wider than it was before.
Anyway, 40.000 cars are passing each day. I think it looks nice and the nice artwork adds something to the whole impression of the construction. I just hope those who normally "spray paint" our city will keep away so that people get a chance to see it.
The price? 119.million, it is a lot of money no matter what currency! Those who want to express their feelings about it have done so in the newspaper and on TV.

Monday, 14 June 2010

In a rush, some people find alternative methods of transport.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

One more window from the Cathedral.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Here is a photo over "Haugtussa" an area of houses built back in 1976.
If you enlarge the photo you can see the big bridge down in the centre of our city.
Some lucky people have a fantastic view from this part of Stavanger!

Friday, 11 June 2010

View from my table yesterday afternoon.
Not that warm, but nice and sunny!

Thursday, 10 June 2010

"De skjønne grønne" or in English; "The Green Beauties", are all nurses from the Eye Ward (Day Policlinic) at the hospital. One hour ago I jumped out of the car and asked to take a photo of them. Grete, Jane, Nina, Sissel at the back, and Ingunn were all involved in an annual team building trip out in the "blue"...... Their costumes were handmade, creative and fun!!:) I hope they have a really nice time!

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

It made me smile!:)

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

This might be old, - but it is NOT "Old Stavanger",
nor is it "a bloody war zone" as someone described it...
Anyway, I promise to show you something completely different tomorrow.

Monday, 7 June 2010

A true sign of SUMMER is more activity around the port.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Saturday morning it was discovered that someone had thrown a stone through the stained glass window at the Cathedral..... See the link here:
I am not a regular church goer, but I really think it is sad that some people seem to get some sort of enjoyment from damaging other peoples property!! And in this case it is a heritage that is one of the most visited places in our district.
Do you have similar things happening where you are living?

Saturday, 5 June 2010

The film "Sex and the City 2" had it's premier in Stavanger last night.
Lot's of women in their 20-30-40's had dressed up and had a girlie evening out to see the film together. (Before Leif or Steffe asks, I don`t know if the names of the women I took a snapshot of are "typical Scandinavians" nor who is most like Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda....)
I guess and hope they had a nice time also after the film!:)

Friday, 4 June 2010

This is a trike, an unusual sight here in Stavanger.

Thursday, 3 June 2010

The students from the final year at the Rogaland art school, (KIR) have an amazing exhibition at the gallery "Sølvberget" in the Culture House these days.....
This is Linda Kristin Røed`s work.
Named; "There Is So Much Love In Black Metal". (Drawing and mixed technique.)

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

These two women were busy studying for their exams, and hope to start with further studies at the University after the summer. But the STRIKE has increased, more teachers/nurses and people working for the council are now out on strike. The library is still closed, so they had found this peaceful place to discuss and go through the course material.
Good luck!! ( I seriously hope the strike will not stop your dreams coming true.)

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Sometimes I do actually see tractors with trailers on the motorway, but the farmers should know better.......
This is a sign on a road leading up to the motorway.