Friday 11 December 2009

This is the house I voted for... ( quite a few more could have got my vote too.)
I guess the creator of the most popular house will receive a prize.
Anyway, so many individuals, families, friends, colleges, kindergartens, etc. have made ginger bread buildings and then delivered them to the newspaper/media house where they are now on display.


Stefan Jansson said...

Cool.A bit nicer than my Condemned Gingerbread House!

B SQUARED said...

A good choice.

cieldequimper said...

Is that really a blue light in there? It's gorgeous!

Lowell said...

I never knew something so ornately beautiful could be constructed of gingerbread!

Rob Siemann said...

Beautiful! And I know from my own experience the work involved!

VP said...

A very good choice, I'd eat the little man first... What happens to the houses on display after the end of show?

Leif Hagen said...

Very fancy and delicious!

Chuck Pefley said...

What absolute fun and creativity ... not to mention craftsmanship. Thanks for sharing these. That was quite a village you showed us yesterday!