Tuesday 26 January 2016


Smart Bike technology has arrived in town.
Using El- bikes is a good way to come around and see different places.

(I have never rented an el-bike, but I have hired ordinary bikes in Denmark, Italy and Japan.)


William Kendall said...

We do have these here as well.

Revrunner said...

Nope, never tried one of these.

Michelle said...

I haven't tried one of these, but I hope they work in your area.

martinealison said...


Cela fonctionne très bien chez moi. Nous en avons aussi des électriques.

Gros bisous ♡

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Looks like the perfect way to get around d Gunn, don't have them here either!

Diane said...

Never tried one of these and with a 6 foot 4 ins husband he probably would never manage. Diane

orvokki said...

In do not know what is the Smart Bike, but it looks nice.

EG CameraGirl said...

A great idea, I think!