I had a look inside the shop on the farm, see the posting from Tuesday.
Lots of interesting things, but when I looked at the prices it was "simple maths" to find out that the food costs were nearly twice as much as what the big shops can offer.
Personally, am I willing to pay 38 Norwegian kroner (4.22 EUR, 3.24 GBP or 4.94 USD) for ONE kilo of Bananas when I can buy the same for 20kr. (19.99) in the supermarket?
I do not think so!
It occurs to me I have no idea what the price of bananas here would be- I tend to buy one at a time.
Oui parfois c'est vraiment incroyable de s'apercevoir d'une telle différence de prix... On l'accepte volontiers lorsque ces petites épiceries font l'effort d'être ouvertes des jours ou des heures où les grandes surfaces sont fermées.
Gros bisous ♡
Actually, I just now bought 1.2 kilos of bananas for $1.33US.
I imagine these bananas must have travelled much more than to get to my market. Here the kilo costs US$1,52 or 11,70kr. Not a great difference.
I don't doubt the cost of their travel is added into the cost.
No wonder small shops find it difficult to compete.
It is a dilemma we all face. Whether to pay almost double to support the smaller shops or save money and support the giant supermarkets.
Absolutely not, not for bananas!
On dit qu'il ne faut pas acheter de produits alimentaires qui ont fait plus de 50 kilometres depuis leur lieux de production...alors les bananes en Norvège, il faut oublier !
I hope it's not 38 $
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