Saturday, 13 December 2014

Saturday treats.

Most kids get a small bag with Saturday treats.
(Lørdagsgodt,we call it.)
Some pick out colourful sweets like this, others have fruits and more healthy treats.
It all depends on the attitudes of their parents and grandparents I guess.


Dina said...

That is a nice custom.

VP said...

Not only kids, not only kids...

Revrunner said...

"Lørdagsgodt". I love it! :-)

William Kendall said...

Very tempting!

Jack said...

When I was a kid -- a long time ago -- there used to be penny candy stores like this. I don't see them very often any more.

Alain said...

Il n'y a pas de mot français pour traduire "saturday treats" peut-être parce que les enfants français mangent des bonbons tous les jours de la semaine ?

orvokki said...

My daughter gives very little sweets to her kids but my son's family has a completely different methods.