Tuesday 2 December 2014

The sky.

Plenty of rain today.
Good to remember what the sky looked like yesterday afternoon.
(A view from work.)


Rick Forrestal said...

There's a HOLE in your sky!
Hope it's not a bad sign, or anything.
Great photo.

Revrunner said...

For a moment I thought it was the hole in the ozone layer. :-)

Massimo said...

it's amazing isn'it ? always different, always magic...
saluti from Padova

Anonymous said...

Look like a blue hole, not a black one !

Lowell said...

This is delightful. And I can see light at the end of the tunnel!

Michelle said...

Wow! You really captured a great sky shot!

Jack said...

The poor guy has almost an entire month to do his work.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful... but it reminds me of a UFO!

Babzy.B said...

such a big eye in the sky :)

orvokki said...

Nice - a hole in the sky.

Unknown said...

Absolutely amazing view! Glad you noticed that hole in the sky.