Whoever created the GREEN "empty car design" has done a good job!
I am not sure that Stavanger is really a very GREEN city, but there are plenty of people who are concerned about the environment, and before any election the politicians promise all sorts of positive changes.
Are there any good "green initiatives" where you are living?
Very few, I'm sorry to say. I even tried to get an area restaurant to install a bike rack next to a major bike trail myself to no avail. We think green but act--what?--brown. :-)
We do have lots of bike paths.The municipality has a good plan for the ecology, although I'm not up to date with everything they are doing.
We have a lot of bike paths, but people do not use them much...
The green initiatives here are kind of sporadic. Local governments support them when a case is made that they will help tourism.
The city is putting in more divided off bike lanes but it seems to be a slow process here.
Not as many as there could be. We have a lot of bike paths, green bin collection, that sort of thing, but there's still more to do.
DC has an extensive program of bike paths all over the city.
Unique. This one is 'carrying' a bike too. Grand.
Very cool and truly clever! Feliz Natral/Happy Christmas, Gunn.
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