Thursday, 20 November 2014

Student HOME

Another image from yesterdays walk.
This is where many students have been lucky to get reasonably priced accommodation.
It is a part of the campus area, also fairly close to the city center, by car or bus.


Revrunner said...

Lucky they are so close to the city center, because they are going to be worn out going up and down those stairs. :-) Or maybe that's only a fire escape.

paul said...

You caught the best moment for these shadows, they are exquisit!

Marleen said...

I think those students are lucky.

VP said...

The whole structure is as good as yesterday's detail...

William Kendall said...

Such good use of shadow and light!

Jack said...

It is a very nice image, but yesterday's was amazing.

LuiZ FernandoS said...

Beautiful architecture, beautiful light, beautiful perspective

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Sounds lime the perfect location for students Gunn.. have a good weekend.