Friday, 18 January 2013

Two empty houses for sale.
Not far from the airport.

They can be moved if you have money and a piece of land.
The new road on both sides made it impossible to live there I guess.
I hope the owners got a good price for their properties.


Lois Evensen said...

Oh, my. That's the kind of crazy thing that happens here sometimes, too.

Lois Evensen said...

Oh, my. That's the kind of crazy thing that happens here sometimes, too.

Mo said...

Oh goodness I haven't seen anything like that since I left the southern hemisphere

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

i'll take that taller one of the two, thanks!

it's too bad...the people have to sell their home?? and they don't look very old. i hope they can make their money back.

Unknown said...

Both look really nice and I like that fence too, but it's definitely too close to the road.

VP said...

A house between two roads? No thanks...