Thursday, 11 October 2012

I always keep an eye on how the roses are doing.
They are near the Cathedral, the city park and the little lake, Breiavatnet.


Oakland Daily Photo said...

I'm surprised they're still blooming.

Lois Evensen said...

Such a pretty spot of color. Lovely.

Unknown said...

That's a very nice planter.

P.S. My mother’s heart condition seems to be controlled now and, finally, she left the hospital yesterday. Thank you for your care, Gunn. Hopefully I can blog on a normal daily basis from now on again.

Halcyon said...

I can't belive they're still blooming at this time of year in your part of the world. I like the bit of colour they add.

VP said...

Fine colors for an autumn day!


Beautiful picture - we've a few surprising roses here too, they are a wonderful flower any time of year!