Mr. Müller "aus München", has been living for many years in Stavanger, with his Norwegian wife.
I met him on my walk, when my friend and I were busy using our cameras. We started talking, and he told us that he will be 98 years old later this year. He also showed us some excellent photos from his camera, of the birds that he feeds every day.
He is out walking, - and is still driving his car.
looking very youthful for 98 years! how blessed he is to still walk for his exercise and drive his car!
Very good photograph. The light falls right on a single eye.
It's a lovely portrait of someone who looks much younger than 98...hope he stays well!
I am still a kid for him...
he doen't look his age , nice portrait !
Very nice portrait. And Mr. Muller has rosy cheeks. At 98 he must be a walking, living, history book. He could tell all of us some stories about the past. A nice looking photo.
Wonderful portrait of this gentleman!
Regarding your comment on the police brutality, yes, everything is under investigation and I really hope they will be severely punished.
Wow! I would have never guessed he is in his nineties! Must be the fresh Norweigian air. :)
I hope I look as good when I'm 98, well in a more feminine way of course. Such a wonderful portrait of a lovely man Gunn.
He looks about 58! Did you get his "secret" for staying so young? Great portrait!
Astonishingly youthful. We should all be so lucky.
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