This is a posting I hope JM from Oeiras/Portugal (also) will see.
It was him who told me about the street artist from Portugal, who has been working here in Stavanger. I have had a look and did some research before I took this photo.
More info about the artist and his work, can be found here: http://www.streetartnews.net/2011/10/vhils-new-murals-in-stavanger-norway.html
That is neat, very different. I think the artist has to be careful wher he does this style of work, a bit destructive. You'll have to look for more of his work.
Wow, Alexandre does great work.
Really great work! Thanks for sharing Gunn.
You found it, Gunn! How cool! :-) His work is brilliant, isn't it? Here is the link for a video you might like to watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6FU1Fvn9Nk
Rupert Murdoch's scratched face is now on display at the Old Vic Tunnels, in London, where I previously saw Bernard Madoff: http://mendoncajose.blogspot.com/2011/04/bernie-made-off.html
So cool. I cannot imagine the talent and determination it takes to create such murals. Thanks for finding this one and posting the photo, plus the link where I got to see the other one, too!
lovely capture!
His secret is to just chip away the part of the building that is NOT the scull. LOL! - But seriously, that is cool.
Oh, excellent! Love the technique!
Amazing shot
Amazing street art. Thank your for sharing with all of us.
Great performance...but I hope you don't live across the street?
wow. that is cool!
here i do not see that much street art, although lately i am always looking for it. should visit new york again.. :)
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