Thursday 10 November 2011

This estate is named "Køhlerhuset", and has a story I will have to add later.
It looks pretty.
I hope to take a look inside one day.....
Time will show.


Luis Gomez said...

It looks very nice.

VP said...

I am always curious about a good story...

Jack said...

This is a beauty, Gunn. Its classic good looks would be at home anywhere in the Western world. The only features I can see that are a little bit different are the crosses in the windows. Is that a Scandinavian design element?

b.c. said...

i agree, it looks to be the kind of place to have a "story" --please do tell :))

Lowell said...

It is quite elegant and I'd guess that the story line includes people of some wealth and power...

Michelle said...

A very majestic building.

Mark said...

Look forward to reading the story. Enjoy your weekend Gunn.

Rob Siemann said...

I look at this photo, and I think of Edvard Grieg

Anonymous said...

Can't wait till you tell us the story. It's not haunted, is it?