Sunday 21 August 2011

When I passed this window, I thought about the phrase;
"Tell me what you read, and I`ll tell you who you are."

Do you think it is true?


Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Yes, or perhaps "who you want to be." Nice capture.


Kate said...

Not really, I have a very eclectic taste and often select some controversial books just to get another viewpoint or do lots of research.

I'd have to have someone think I'm an advocate of some of that controversial material

Michelle said...

I think there is some truth to that. Love these piles of books. I always have a stack on my bedside table.

Jack said...

Hah! This person is curious but perhaps a bit disorganized. I always have a pile of 6 - 8 books. When one book is finished, I inspect the pile and decide what I feel like for the next book.

Lois Evensen said...

I've heard that, too. I can't attest to whether it's true or not, though. :)

Pretty cool image.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Well captured Gunn, interesting question, I think I might have 'multiple personalities' if it's true.

Birdman said...

A hoarder?
I like this image.

Stefan Jansson said...

I'm reading the latest John Irving novel.

VP said...

Not the best place to keep one's books...

irinapictures said...

It is true. And same with music. I can not buy e-book, feels like if I buy I'll betray the paper books, their smell, pages, memories and thoughts between the pages. This photo is so yummy.

B i r g i t t a said...

I think it is some PD to become ;)