Thursday 11 August 2011

Costa Pasifica (Genova) at the harbor today.
She was beautiful!


Luis Gomez said...


Lois Evensen said...

Ah, yes, Costa and their easily identifiable yellow vertical stacks. :) We saw one being built in Turku, Finland, a few years ago.

Nice image. :)

Stefan Jansson said...

At least she was big.

VP said...

Say hello to her from me!

Jack said...

It is a beautiful vessel, but I still am not interested in traveling on such a big ship. I have enjoyed some river cruises on smaller ships of perhaps 140 passengers, and that is more my style.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I'm with Jack on this one, I love to see and photograph those beautiful big ships, but there is no way I'm going out onto the ocean in one..It's only been 20 years since I saw the Poseidon go down hahaha!!

Mo said...

Going on a cruise yourself?

Lucas Kain said...

Nice. Always wanted to be on a cruise ship. Never had the chance, though. Hope it's a nice one!

call Nepal

Gunn said...

I have only been on a 2-day cruise. If I had the opportunity I would LOVE to be a passenger again, on one of the cruise ships that I have seen, or perhaps be on one outside Italy and other places where it is nice and warm:)