This is a nice place for walks. And even on a grey day you can see many young and old women out with their babies around Mosvannet.
One thing I seriously don`t understand is WHY do they all choose BLACK ?
Where are all the colors, the individuality and cheerfulness with colors?
I once heard Tove Steinbo, who is an expert on colors, saying that seeing mums in a cafe, all wearing black must have some influence on their kids who are surrounded with so little colors.
Seriously, when I see a happy and colorful mum..... I will grab my camera..... and take a photo!:)
Well...it is a stange thing to see them all in black.
Strange isn't it but all my coats are black too! And I crave colour at this time of year.
I usually associate color with Scandinavia as an antidote to the long winter nights.
I really understand your point of view. The same happens here.
I can confirm that most of the ladies wear black here too...
Hei Gunn, I think we have much more snow here in Eagan but it as grey here as in Stavanger!
Hilsen fra Hagen
I agree about the colours. When we visit Melbourne in southern Australia where it gets cold in winter, I always notice the dark colours everyone wears in contrast to our city of Brisbane in the north where it is warm most of the time, everyone wears colourful clothes and very casual. great photo here and of the rig.
I am with Oakland in thinking that your country would have bright colors... I hope that the babies get some color at home or to wear... Nice shot and discussion.
Interesting they all wear black coats. I like some color myself!
Way back in the 1960s I hitchhiked from UK to Norway with my brother and one of the things that stayed with me was how colourful everything was. Children had coloured tights and coloured boots, bright raincoats etc. At that time in the UK the only colour for Wellington boots was black.
PS We visited Stavanger and were made to feel very welcome.:o)
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