When I saw this pink dress at Mimi's shop (http://www.mimigetmoved.com) I was thinking of the dancers in Eagan, Minnesota in the USA.... Thanks Leif for sharing your photos.
A pink dress like this must be a dream for most girls!:-)
Stavanger is the fourth biggest city in Norway. It is situated on the southwest coast. My aim is to try to capture something from every day, from the area nearby too, and when I am not at home I will still try to put up a photo from my archive. Welcome back for another look.
Beautiful shot.
Pretty dress, and a super photo! Looks like a pink explosion!
Brilliant composition! Terrific photo indeed!
And some guys, too. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Haven't seen Leif's photo so when I looked at this photo I immediately thought "Degas."
I love your perspective!
Beautiful shot, and a great point of view!
A lovely tutu! Great angle on it.
I can't really see Leif wearing this, but why not, let's be liberal :)
Gunn, thank you for advertising our blog in your books! Very nice of you!
Free sangria to anyone we meet here in Barcelona through it. This could be interesting!
We have sons and grandsons, but a few pink nieces and friends' daughters who would love this!
I am not a girl, but this dress is really a dream!
Our three daughters and many of their ballet class friends would go wild for a Pink dress like this! Besides, I don't think that dress is made in my size!
Oh that Rob from Barcelona - he's a funny one!
Tusen takk, Gunn
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