Wednesday 7 April 2010

Does this look Norwegian?
Well, I guess architects got inspiration from buildings and places further down in Europe.
This is a building in the centre of Stavanger.


Stefan Jansson said...

And who was the architect? Maybe he or she where from somewhere outside Norway. I'm guessing there's a decent view from that top balcony.

Anonymous said...

A bit of a pistache. But if I recall, the castle in Osla shares this color.

Anonymous said...

Oslo. My fingers are faster than my brain.

Chuck Pefley said...

No, probably not my first guess as to location. LOL!

Halcyon said...

It doesn't look like the "typical" Stavenger. But every city needs a bit of variety!

VP said...

I would say a French iron balcony on a German building painted with Italian colors. But now I know I'm wrong. Nice choice for a post.

Unknown said...

It's a lovely building top!