Friday 13 November 2009

There are currently roadworks in the very center of town.
The yellow sign explains that there are major roadworks in the area.
The blue bit above the orange sign "titles" the roadworks as a part of the "tusenårsprosjektene" which means the "century projects".
The orange sign explains when the roadworks should be finished.
Some person has modified the sign with a "more realistic" estimate as to when the work is likely to be completed :)


Lowell said...

That's funny! And probably absolutely right on...public "works" usually take twice as long as they're supposed to and cost twice as much as they're supposed to!

Unseen Rajasthan said...

I agree with Jacob!! This is truly Funny ~

John said...

An example of what is now being called 'street furniture' which covers signs, signals, benches, fences etc. All of it gets in the way. Nice colour shot.

VP said...

Interesting sign and correction. Public works seem to follow the same path everywhere.

jennyfreckles said...

The blocks of colour make a great graphic print... and it is funny too. We all know the frustrations.

Leif Hagen said...

I like the sense of humor on the orange sign!

Unknown said...

So there are still more 18.090 years to go?! :-)))