Sunday 24 January 2016

We are giving up.

A message on a window I passed in the city centre today.
Translated to English it said: We are giving up....

Who is giving up?
The shop owners or the burglars?


cieldequimper said...

Ouch... Not nice.
I like yesterday's wall! Hope you are having a great Sunday!

Mandy said...

I love the Norwegian language. I once took an introductory course in it. I can just imagine the outrage and frustration of the person who wrote this.

Michelle said...

Sad words, either way you look at it.

Rob Siemann said...

LuiZ FernandoS said...

Recently we also had a famous stylist that gave up having a store because of a sequence of burglaries.

William Kendall said...

One wonders!

AsAeenBySusan said...

My same thoughts. A new way to say "Going out of business?"

Revrunner said...

Not good. Not good at all.

Mo said...

I wonder why they are being targeted

PerthDailyPhoto said...

The burglers I hope Gunn.. That was an interesting wall yesterday also.

Karl said...

The shop owners, and I can imagine why... sad...