Sunday 28 June 2015

Stavanger is number 2 ......

Stavanger is number 2 after Oslo (including it's surrounding region), when it comes to the number of roundabouts.

This is a view downhill from Gausel, not far from Gandsfjord.


Lois said...

We are getting more and more of them here. I haven't decided whether that is good or not!

Lynette said...

The first ever roundabout I encountered as a driver was in 1969 in Kansas City, Missouri. I decided to make the best of it, and, thank goodness it all worked out!

Halcyon said...

Traffic circles are good. Much better than a stop sign b/c you don't have to stop if no one is coming.
Also better than the dreaded European rechts fuer links.

VP said...

I think we have at least three roundabouts for any intersection...

William Kendall said...

We have the odd one around here, two or three that I can think of offhand.