Saturday 6 June 2015


This is the place to visit if you are looking for old and unique books, magazines etc. that you can no longer find in bookshops.
They have been here for years and hopefully will continue for many more.
Some people still love to read books, not only through internet.
Løvås Bruktbu is also on Facebook.


Bill said...

I like this shot--- It has movement and tells a story. Great picture!

Revrunner said...

I still prefer books

Luis Gomez said...

My kind of place!

Jack said...

I read a lot and only read books on paper. No electronic books for me.

Unknown said...

I love a book, there's nothing like it, this looks like a wonderful place long may it survive...

Halcyon said...

Sounds like my kind of shop!

VP said...

No much room left for paper books...

William Kendall said...

I still prefer reading books printed out on paper and bound!