Tuesday, 11 November 2014

What a beautiful day!

What a beautiful day we have today!
Sunny, crisp and +11C.

I saw this sporty man out jogging around the beach area at Sola around lunchtime today.
The coastline and the beaches are my absolute favourite areas here where I am living.
And it is only 25 minutes away from the city centre by car.


Revrunner said...

Boy! I'd love to be able to run/walk along that coast.

everydaybergen said...

Nice place. In Bergen we do not have beaches, only the rocks and rocks and water. Greetings.

Lois said...

The weather here is much the same today! I love to walk on the beach when it is cold. The Gulf of Mexico
is only about a 40 minute drive from my house.

Babzy.B said...

nice spot :)

William Kendall said...

What a gorgeous place for a walk!

Linda said...

Pleasing image! It was a beautiful day here in Virginia too.

martinealison said...


Une belle invitation à venir savourer le soleil au bord de la mer...
Jolie photo.

Gros bisous ☂ (Il pleut chez moi aujourd'hui !)

Karl said...

The right place for jogging, nice picture!

VP said...

This is not right: we are at our third day of rain!

orvokki said...

Looks so nice place and very beautiful day.
And we have rain !!

Stefan Jansson said...

Congrats! We had 45 minutes of sunshine last week. And another 45 minutes this week.