Tuesday, 4 November 2014

A splash of colour.

Always nice to see a splash of colour on a grey day.


Linda said...

Interesting perspective, and the grays look silvery... Pleasing to see.

William Kendall said...

Just enough colour for that bleak state.

Michelle said...

Yes, it is!

Rick Forrestal said...

As your photo proves.

Cloudia said...


ALOHA from Honolulu
=^..^= . <3 . >< } } (°>

martinealison said...


Avec l'arrivée de la pluie, les belles couleurs automnales s'en vont...
La belle touche de couleur de la bruyère illumine le paysage. Belle photo !

Gros bisous ☂

Luis Gomez said...

Gorgeous! Very nice composition.

Diane said...

It looks like heather and it really is pretty. Have a good day, Diane

VP said...

I like the contrast and the perspective...

Revrunner said...

Ditto the above, Gunn.

Jack said...

Fine colors in the planter, with gray elsewhere.