This is a sign saying that parking here is RESERVED FOR WOMEN!
I have never used it, but it is close to the entrance, so I guess it is very popular.
We should perhaps have had the sign in English too?
Anyway, I have seen a sign saying "Ladies Waiting Room" at a (train) station in the UK.
Perhaps there are other places that have spaces just for women??
p.s. The dent in the sign is probably not the best advertisement for us female drivers though :)
Only recently a few 'pink' parking places have been reserved for pregnant ladies or with very young babies.
Oh that's funny, the dent I mean :) We have parking spots for mums or dads I guess with baby prams, but not specifically just for woman.
I love this! Very funny :))
In Auckland, one finds parking spaces reserved for parents with small children (pram icon). In Germany, I have seen spaces labeled "Frauenparkplatz" (with, at first, raised eyebrows); and if you google this word for images, there will be plenty of examples.
We do have reserved parking for pregnant women or new mothers, and also for those with handicap stickers.
I can't remember seeing signs like this in the USA, but that doesn't mean that we don't have them. (The dent is pretty funny.)
Funny about the dent!
never seen that in France ! :)
Your p.s. made me smile! :-)
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