Thursday, 3 April 2014

Christian Radich

If you are in Stavanger now, take a look at this beauty at the harbor.
"Christian Radich" is also open to the public on Sunday.

(For those of you who are following my blog,
you will find more images by clicking on the label at the bottom.)

This years Tall Ships Races starts at Harlingen in The Netherlands.


FilipBlog said...

Beautiful impression of the sail boat.


Michelle said...

That is quite a boat!

William Kendall said...

A magnificent ship!

cieldequimper said...

I saw this ship in Brittany during the big Brest festival. Your shot is simply gorgeous.

Halcyon said...

I love the sky! Hope you have a fantastic weekend!!!

Karl said...

I would really like to visit it, great photo, Gunn!

Jack said...

The silhouette against the deep blue sky is quite dramatic. Nice.