Saturday 5 October 2013

Jenny and Charlie.

Do you remember your best friend from when YOU were a child??

Well, today I meet JENNY, age 8 with her little dog CHARLIE who is 7,5.

Tonight they will be back home again after a break in our region.
Thanks to Jenny´s mum who said yes to me to taking this photo of them.
It was nice meeting you all.


barbara l. hale said...

A wonderful portrait of Jenny and her dog Charlie.

Jack said...

Very cute, Gunn. Jennie and Charlie both have auburn hair!

Revrunner said...

Yes, wonderful!

TheChieftess said...


SimTech said...

Cute photo.
Guess the dog gets to travel everywhere.

Reminded me of my two cuddly toys that I loved as a child.
A Panda, and a brown bear. I remember that the bear had one his eyes fixed with a button.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

A very sweet shot Gunn.. My special 'friend' was Winnie the Pooh :)

Unknown said...