Thursday, 22 August 2013

Roya Denise.

Today we had a nice summers day!

I met a very feminine and beautiful young student, Roya Denise, in the bookshop.
She told me that she was starting her second year as a sociology student.
Her mother is Norwegian and her father is from Iran, but unfortunately she said, she did not speak Farsi. Later she will probably take part in her field work abroad, like most students do as part of their studies.


Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful portrait!

Stefan Jansson said...

Cute dress.


I also love her summery outfit to go with the summer weather:)

Jim said...

Always great to have a nice summer's day.

Jack said...

She is a pretty girl wearing a lively dress.

Ginnie Hart said...

I wonder on whose side she got the polka dots! :)

Babzy.B said...

really nice portrait ! :)

darlin said...

Ahhh yes, back to the classrooms soon here as well; I start on Sept. 3rd and as pretty as this young lady looks I think I'll pass on any type of a dress and stick with my blue jeans.

Very cute photo.

Karl said...

She is really cute!