Thursday, 30 May 2013

Rosso was enjoying the sunshine this morning:)


Oakland Daily Photo said...

This looks like a great idea. Think I'll go take a nap now.

Michelle said...

Soaking up some rays.

Jack said...

Your subject selected a place where the light is perfect for your photograph.


What a purr-fect beauty!:)

TheChieftess said...

Soooo relaxed!!!

biebkriebels said...

Everybody loves the sun, such a cute photo.

Tanya Breese said...

the sunshine makes me sleepy too!

Unknown said...

Rosso is such a cute furry guy. Lovely shot.

VP said...

Rosso is red in Italian and I wouldn't be able to find a better name for this guy!

FilipBlog said...

This is a picture I really like.
