Tuesday, 27 November 2012

The X-mas party season has started.
Shops are full of presents to buy, as well as clothes to wear.


Luis Gomez said...

This is a fun one!

Stefan Jansson said...

You should buy this.

Gunn said...

Steffe, jeg tror ikke dette er helt min stil:)

Babzy.B said...

cute hat ! ;)

Angel Sánchez-Marco said...

Vienen días agradables y calidos con la navidad,
llenos de buenas fotos por hacer con la decoración
de las calles, tiendas…
Un saludo, Ángel

SimTech said...

A bright idea!
But it could leave you feeling light headed....
Have a great week.

Vreni said...

It dawns on her ;-)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

If this is the fashion I have three available at all times and in a selection of colours .. I'm ready to go haha !

Lowell said...

Very funny! I used to wear a lampshade on my head, but only at Christmas parties! ;-))

Angel Sánchez-Marco said...

Días especiales los que vienen con la navidad, y el comienzo del invierno en diciembre,
Locura colectiva en compras etc.
Sobre la foto” la mujer-lámpara”, una imagen, que no se, no se. La foto esta bien.
Un saludo, Ángel
“Lo que no me gusta es la lectura del maniquí”

VP said...

You have to wear that thing on your head?

Halcyon said...

I'm sending this link to my husband. Who doesn't want a lampshade hat for Christmas? ;)

emmaszone said...

Interesting!! At least the lipstick matches the dress.