What USED TO BE a busy market place is now just an open windy space for most of the year.
It received a huge lump of tax money to get very expensive stones to cover up the place.
I don't know what is possible, but some politicians have said that it could be a playground for kids.
They seriously should have asked some creative architects....
So far they have just put up some colorful boxes with some plants in them.
Time and money will show what it might be later in the year.
In the summer season there are people selling souvenirs, sun glasses, bags and t-shirts here.
I wish they had turned it in to a place to sell and buy real Norwegian handmade crafts!:)
Unfortunately, much of what is sold there is imported plastic souvenirs.
Patience and soon flowers to grow colourful.
Please have you all a good new month and Thursday.
Does it make you think of Macbeth and Dunsinane?
At least it is a huge space for people to walk and there could be lots of possibilities for a space like this. It is better then a strucutre but for the wrong reasons and got abandoned, in my opinion !
Time will tell...there is a lot of opportunity here!!! I like the idea of a market for Norwegian handicrafts!!! This kind of space can still grow that if the need/desire is there!!!
I am with you on this, we all have far too much plastic around already.
I remember well the old space there. Too bad now, having made the place flat, instead of stepped where people could have sat down to have a bite to eat. Last time there i got a sandwich but could not find a place to sit. It will evolve though. I do miss the vendors selling veggies and flowers.
Hopefully when they decide what to do with this space, it will be something beneficial to the public hey Gunn, you can always hope!
But colourful
That sounds like the same thing that happens here.
The red colour was a great choice, it really pops!
It does remember me of some sad large modern squares in Eastern Europe a couple of decades ago... I hope they will get something nicer out of this space!
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