In Norway most shops are closed on Sundays.
But in December we can go Sunday shopping in the big shopping malls from 14:00 to 19:00, and the rest of the week up to 22:00.
Here is one shop, that looks just the same as it did many many years ago when I was living in Denmark. This is a Danish chain that is also found here in Stavanger.
Here is one shop, that looks just the same as it did many many years ago when I was living in Denmark. This is a Danish chain that is also found here in Stavanger.
How would you describe the style?
Wherever you are, shopping or not, I hope you will have a good Sunday!
That is very interesting that everything closes on Sundays usually. It's hard to find anything closed on Sundays here in Tokyo.
Happy shopping! :D
I like the Danish style - describe it, maybe richly colored, comfortable, simple and elegant!
Best wishes for an enjoyable Advent for you and Steve
Also wishing you a great Sunday.
I would describe that style as "relaxed." ;)
We are on the way out the door to buy My Honey a new chair for in front of his computer. The chair he has now is ready to leave the building.
Those look like comfortable clothes!
Not a very danish name... Here, we can shop till we drop, everyday till Christmas from 10 AM till 10 PM. Shops are allowed to be open 8 Sundays a year.
Well, looks comfy and colorful, weekend clothes.
UNO is no longer in this little street.
UNO does not have a shop here in Stavanger anymore.
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