After all the heavy Christmas food, I am looking forward to buying some fresh seafood from one of the boats down at the harbor.
Stavanger is the fourth biggest city in Norway. It is situated on the southwest coast. My aim is to try to capture something from every day, from the area nearby too, and when I am not at home I will still try to put up a photo from my archive. Welcome back for another look.
It's a blessing to be able to change our diets as we like, isn't it? Happy New Year!
The bounty of the sea.
I noticed you actually post daily! Very impressive. My blog should be called Oakland (not even close to) Daily Photo.
Best wishes.
I would love to be there buying some fresh seafood myself!
Vel overstått. Rekeskall egner seg jo ypperlig til fiskesauskraft, som kjøttbein? til brun saus ...Dette er ingredienser i mitt nyttårsforsett,etter å ha jukset med litt Toropulver i julen...
Oh yes I agree Gunn, after all the trifle and cake I've eaten in the last few days, your picture looks so very appealing!
Gorgeous image, I am not sure we have something like this, but I am no expert!
Thanks for the Christmas greetings; yes, we had a good Christmas with family in Denmark, my son and daughter both live and work there.
I have to say that the seafood would be a welcome change from the goose, jul frokost with snaps and beer. Need something a little lighter now
Have a good New Year.
Hi Gunn. I have been twice in Norway, driving around the country. Have been thinking about this, is it possible for anyone to go to harbour and buy fish etc from boats. Or do fishers first sell them to marketplace sellers or stores and then we have to buy the fish from these places. If it´s possible to buy directly from ships, what time one has to be there and is price very different to shops?
YUMMY!!!! Both my favourites. I can't wait to be in Quimper in order to do the exact same thing! :-)
I would be there too...
Happy New Year Gunn!
Oh yum is this what I can expect when I come to Norway in march? Can't wait.
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