Friday the 13 th. ...... and the BLOGGING system did not work! But perhaps the comments on my last few postings will be back soon?
Anyway, today I will post a photo taken at the market place yesterday afternoon.
I guess this is the way to relax.
Have a nice weekend everyone!
Sunshine and music, good combination.
I love your blog...and your city.
I wonder how comfortable that recline is? It would be wonderful if our city would find some sunshine!!
That is a cool picture, I think I felt more relaxed just looking at it.
Must try a bit of this, though in a more comfortable position.
Good capture Gunn, it seems to be very relaxing, just right for the weekend. This could also be a nice photo for VP's blog, i think...
Thank you Gunn for re-posting your comment.
Have a nice weekend, Karl
Sunshine, fresh air, a few spare moments .. Zzzzzzzzz
The best thing to do while blogger was down
I didn't think about Friday 13th... You will soon find this great picture on aBoB!
She looks SO relaxed. Must be a wonderful afternoon :-D
Den 13. kombineret med fredag sættes altid som værende en uheldsdag, men skulle det værste være, at blogger var nedlagt, er det helt og aldeles OK med mig - selvom det selvfølgelig var irriterende ;-)
Det samme mener du og alle andre blogspotter klart nok ditto...
O what a wonderful capture
If I relaxed like that I'd never be able to get up again. Funky shot!
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