Have you ever heard the music :"In The Navy"...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InBXu-iY7cw.
Well these two young men Frederik and Marius have spent nearly two weeks at KNM HH in Stavanger, and they will spend another two months there before they are due to join ships for more training and work! I met them at the airport this evening, just before they entered the plane to go back home to visit family and friends for the weekend.
Have fun and enjoy life in the Navy!
Great photo!
They are adorable!
Ha ha, That song came to mind as soon as I saw the portrait!
Love the traditional uniform! The fellow on the right barely looks old enough to be starting his career just yet. Nice portrait, though.
Oh, Gunn, The Village People were such a howl. To this day in Manila we often hear YMCA at parties and everyone dances along. A precious photo of these oh, so young sailors.
These two sailors are too young to remember The Village People! :-)
To JM: yes, I agree with you..... but I am not :-)
Nice looking fellas.
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