Friday 26 March 2010

Next to where the Nokas filming is taking place is the Cathedral, and I had a quick look inside yesterday.
This is art made by the late Roland Lengauer, who was a well known artist in our city.


Lowell said...

Fascinating, if weird, painting...looks like Peter of the Gospels trying to catch a fish!

Luis Gomez said...

Excellent shot!

VP said...

A strange work, beautifully framed by the uneven wall behind.

magiceye said...


Birdman said...

Love stumbling upon interesting subjects when not really looking.

Leif Hagen said...

Fantastic art up against the wall!

Angela Robak said...

Love the composition! By offsetting it, the texture of the wall really echoes the texture of the painting. Very clever and well done!

Unknown said...

I love this composition! So beautiful, Gunn!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Evocative photo. The color and texture of the wall in contrast to the painting with its old frame is visual poetry.

James Mark said...

I couldn't have put it better, Carolyn. Thanks for the inspiration Gunn.