LOVE is in the air!:)
This beautiful young couple said yes to me taking the photo, but no names.
Stavanger is the fourth biggest city in Norway. It is situated on the southwest coast. My aim is to try to capture something from every day, from the area nearby too, and when I am not at home I will still try to put up a photo from my archive. Welcome back for another look.
Marvelous, Gunn. Shooting it close or cropping it close was a good artistic decision.
What a handsome couple! Maybe this couple be their engagement photo, non? But you forgot to give them a "Steffe interview"....
This time I was out with 4 friends on our way to a restaurant, and I thought I came a long way with getting so close to people I did not know, but I will continue working on the Steffe interview style..... next time.
You have done a few good Steffe interviews over the last few years Gunn.
But a Steffe interview would require tattoos, Gunn.
Nice portrait.
This is great! Lovely couple.
Sometimes no words are needed Gunn, you captured the look in the young man's eyes that says it all!!
The image speaks volumes...words are not necessary!
Very nice. I hope they see it on your blog!
He kind of looks like a young Patrick Swayze.
That is a great shot of the couple.
A very good portrait!
I hope he gives and not only receives...
Nicely done, Gunn!
Awesome portrait! And nice people too as they gave permission to the photographer... :-)
Wow the man looks very beautiful like a malemodel.
Intriguing couple and great composition. I have always wanted to take photos of absolute strangers but I always feel too strange to do it and thus I don't.
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