He was busy doing his work.
He told me about it, - and why they were using concrete instead of sand.
This is in a small narrow alley, where shops and food places use lots of water outside, so if they used sand it would disappear very quickly.
Good to have knee protectors when working in a place like this.
It is important to have work like this done before the snow arrives.
Glad to hear that you haven't yet had any snow!
That's how so many tradespeople ruin their knees. Glad there is some protection!
That's tough on the knees even with the protection. It would be hard for me to stand up without a helping hand.
looks so cold too!
Those knee pads really are essential for that sort of thing.
Nice portrait. I have come across many workmen in the past few days and think I should take a photo, but, so far I have not been able to capture anything interesting. There is always tomorrow!
Nice to see it is getting accomplished before bad weather.
It appears you missed the snow that hit the Stockholm area in Sweden. This is not easy work!
Snow ruining everything, the arrival of snow shall threat for slow work.
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