Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Just dumped...

Just dumped at a parking area near Vannassen / Åsen / Hillevåg.


Bill said...

Interesting someone would just dump their furniture. When we lived in the states, we could put items out by the curb with a for free sign so anyone could take it if they wished. Most of the stuff was worthless but every now and then you would find something worth taking.
Once it rains though, the stuff usually just sits there until the owner hauls it away.


Some furniture seems to be in good condition and could have been donated to needy families

Lowell said...

We have the same problem here, especially in wooded areas. Aargh!

William Kendall said...

Rotten manners.

Taken For Granted said...

The local Habitat ReStore will take furniture donations, sell them, and put the money to building affordable housing. Some people just don't think about the consequences of their actions.

Tanya Breese said...

they could have at least donated the furniture to someone in need!

orvokki said...

It would have been just as easy to export these landfills than nature.