I forgot about the theme-day photo, so I will show you one I like from my archive, that has a fence I like:)
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Stavanger is the fourth biggest city in Norway. It is situated on the southwest coast. My aim is to try to capture something from every day, from the area nearby too, and when I am not at home I will still try to put up a photo from my archive. Welcome back for another look.
That's got to be the cutest condo with fence!
Very clever bit of fence. Hope it hasn't kept our fine-feathered friends out!
Great shot, it doesn´t matter that you forgot the theme day if this is your solution. Congrats!
I think you should get the award for the most adorable fence. That is just too cute! I don't think you could have posted anything better for the theme. :)
Like it as well. Excellent!
How cute! Even birdhouses look more homey with a picket fence!
Perfect for today Gunn, I wonder if that's a birds 'dream house with a white picket fence'!!Love it.
Nothing beats a home with a white picket fence!
This is just delightful! What a wonderful entry on the theme, Gunn.
Nice row of houses with a nice fence.
Gorgeous theme day photo!
Perfect for today's theme, Gunn, this is so cute !!
I think it is the best fence I saw today among theme day fences.
This is indeed an exceptional ex. of a fence.
Vilket gulligt staket :) Jag har också missat temat - är splittrad på för mycket tror jag :)
Hoppas allt är bra med er.
One of the best theme day posts I've seen! Be proud!!!
I expect an army of sparrows to fly by any moment
Even birds need fences, non?
It's the best, Gunn, and a winner for the theme today!
I love the colors!
Probably the nicest fence I have seen around...
funny little fence ;)
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