Visiting a museum in the old part of Stavanger, I discovered a bit of ancient architecture,"Utedo". Directly translated that means an outside loo.
I did not look inside, but I promise to show you a photo from the interior. Not because the "toilet" itself is so unique, but I have heard it is a place where people put up photos of the Royal Family. That is not a joke.... :)
It's much prettier than our outside loos ever were. And they didn't have cute cut-outs either. People sticking royalty pics in the loo made me laugh.☺
This by far the nicest outside loo I have ever seen. I am not sure to understand the reasons behind placing the Royal Family pictures there...
I guess that's why they refer to it as "The Throne Room."
So this is a Royal Toil?
I like the heart on the outside at least! You should submit it for guest heart Thursday on Random Hearts.
A cute picture of an outside "netty", as you might hear in some parts of the UK. I believe the word comes from the French "nettoyer", to clean.
This thing with the photos of The Royal Family .... might have to do with the fact that in the old days it was not common to use toilet paper, but instead, scrunched up paper from newspapers and magazines. In respect for the Royals, photos of the royal family were put up on the walls, rather than "used".
One friend told me today that during the 5 years Norway was occupied between 1940-1945, it was forbidden to have photos of the King, so people put up the photos in a place where the soldiers would not go when they came to farmers who had to give them eggs,milk, meat etc.
We need to see those photos!
This is so cool and makes such a lovely photo!
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