How much would you have paid for a main course like this??
I was out last night, and suddenly thought that food prices probably vary quite a lot depending on where you live.
From the place: "Matmagasinet." Nice and tasty food!:-)
(The day after: I paid 198 Kroner for the food. (No drinks in that price.)
That is approx. 33,5 US dollars, or 25 Euros or 22 English pounds.)
Well, your's is the second post that has made me very hungry today! Sure doth look good!
In Portugal restaurants are less expensive in the north and if you go south in summer time be ready to pay a lot, but it also depends on the restaurant you choose, of course.
Looks delicious.
Without knowing what this dish is, I can't say.
I can say, however, that dining out is expensive in general, and certainly more so is some places and less in others. Looks tasty!
I don't know, but it made me hungry! Restaurant are quite expensive here but you can still eat something good at less if you choose a place off the beaten track.
Hi Gunn,
I don't know! What is that? But it looks delicious.
$16.99 plus tax and tip.
Can't make my mind either about what it is. You can eat here quite well for 8 or 9 euros. We rarely spend more than 30 euros for 2 people, and we do like our good restaurants. Just avoid the tourist hotspots
It is nicely presented and looks like a large portion. At a nice restaurant, maybe around $15-20 US.
Three Rivers Daily Photo
I always enjoy food pictures, this one looks very appetising. Bon appetit!
I would guess about $20-$50 at a nice place in Boston.
An main course like that in a restaurant in Eagan would be about $23 I guess! But I couldn't get any aquavit with it in any place here ....
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