A snapshot while WAITING...
This is the first time I have participated in a theme day.
Others who do the same: Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
Stavanger is the fourth biggest city in Norway. It is situated on the southwest coast. My aim is to try to capture something from every day, from the area nearby too, and when I am not at home I will still try to put up a photo from my archive. Welcome back for another look.
It is a pretty view to see while waiting.
Wonder where they're going...
They don't look like they are in any kind of hurry! Beautiful!
Great iamge and great take on the theme! Cheers!
Lol, this is brilliant!
Waiting around can sometimes lead to surprising photo-ops!
Love it! Amazing what and/or who we must wait for these days! Cute shot!
Welcome to theme day. A great image. Where are they going?
Traffic waits for the geese in the crosswalk. excellent capture!
That is quite funny, I love it. Great theme day post.
Gunn, you picked a good place to WAIT! Glad to see your loosy, goosy theme day photo! Hilsen fra Hagen
wow, awesome first effort for theme day. well done and such a unique photo!
Geese on a zebra crossing! That's a photo: what a great introduction to a Theme Day...
Beautiful reflection and a great composition, the buildings in the background looks amazing, unusual in this latitudes. Greetings from Mexico.
Nice choice for the theme day. Are the swans waiting for the water to warm up? :)
I took this from inside the car (which looks more shiny than usual)
Anyway, the swans came from the harbor, close to the fish market, and I guess they crossed over the road and continued over the empty marked place and aimed for the park and little lake...
I just grabbed the camera from my bag, so now I can prove that in Stavanger swans also use the pedestrian crossings. They looked like they were off to explore the fairly empty city!:-)
Sorry, I took swans for geese...
So sorry. I missed your theme day but better late than never. Love this. You waiting but perhaps also the swans waiting to cross the road? I thought they were geese which shows how much I know.
Beautiful street scene!
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