Friday 6 May 2016

A special meeting.

I sometimes meet people I will never forget.

JINE is one of them.

She very often pops in to the Cathedral on her way to or from school.
I am a muslim she told me, but I can find God here too.

Yes, why not!

Jine has been living most of her life in Norway and spoke of course the language fluently.
I hope life will treat her well, and I hope she will continue to be a strong and independent woman.


Halcyon said...

Beautiful photo and the perfect words.
We can find God, Allah, the Higher Power wherever we want to.
Thank you for the message of tolerance. :)
Happy weekend!

Rick Forrestal said...


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Love this post Gunn. We can learn so much from young people, they can be so much more accepting than many adults.

Lynette said...

Gunn, you'll never believe this! I found out yesterday, the date of your sweet, thoughtful comment, that I have no abnormalities in my CT scan from Monday! I'm OK right now. Thank you for thinking about me and how I'm doing! I've been such a long time making a blog post, but I got one done just now and put it out there for all to see/read. Thanks!

William Kendall said...

I like the way you've composed this shot.

Bill said...

Her words are so true. Very nice photo of the young woman.

Revrunner said...

Great pic and story, Gunn.

Dina said...

A good meeting, yes, and a great photo.

Unknown said...

Beautiful picture and words...