Many tourists, even those who travel 1st. class on cruise ships, have been shopping their hand
knittet Norwegian sweaters from FRETEX, a second hand shop run by the Salvation Army.
A good idea!
They are made of wool, and are perfect for the winter season.
Also nice to think that there are people in Germany, Italy, USA, UK, France etc. who actually are wearing these woolen "kofter" that have been knitted by local people here in the area.
If you enlarge the photo, you will see the nice buttons, and even the little FRETEX label inside, with the Biblical words:"Seek and you will find."
The STORM ended without any major problems here in Stavanger. Local ferries stopped for a while, and the big ferry to/from Denmark was also stopped. We have had a beautiful sunny and cold winter day today.
A friend lost a couple of roof tiles, one of which hit her car though I am not sure she has seen the roof yet with all the rain over the last 2 days.
I love these sweaters, I love the patterns.
I'm glad to hear you didn't have serious storm damage.
Those sweaters look so warm and cozy, I love the black and white one. I still have one of my own that I bought on a trip to Norway about 25 years ago. It still looks practically brand new because it's only cold enough to wear it here once every few years LOL.
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What a great idea for a Norwegian sweater shopping search! Next time we're in Norway.....
Ooh, thank you for the tip about these shops. I bought my children Norwegian sweaters when we visited Voss and Bergen several years ago. Of course they've outgrown them now. Next time we're in Norway I'll try to get replacements this way.
I could have used one of those beautiful sweaters the other day on the golf course - it was much colder than normal here!
I'm glad no damage was done and that you've had such a wonderful day! I did not buy mine at Fretex... :-)
Makes me think of the sweater worn by the leading lady in the Danish TV serial, "The killing" - Forbrudelsen I think in Danish.
Glad you braved the storm, love that kind of sweaters!
This is a happy moment that there is no damage. france ferries offer wonderful trip across the European countries.
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