The International Food Market has been visiting us again, and we have had smells and tastes of products from Southern Europe.
They have really had quite a few struggles inside the big tent, not only heavy rain and storms, but also a fussy Norwegian businessman, who thought they were not paying vat and taxes, since the food was so much cheaper than in ordinary food shops. Customs officers inspected many of the vendors after the complaints and found all of the paperwork to be in perfect order. It just goes to show that food can be cheaper here than a lot of businesses would like.
That goes to show that the people in business like to set the price to suit themselves. When somebody comes along and charges less, they try to get the government to chase them out of business. In this case I am glad it didn't work.
Wow! Those are some huge cheese wheels and slices! Makes me hungry! And how cool that the food is cheaper there! Our outdoor market is a lot more expensive than going to the grocery store, but we go there and pay higher prices because we appreciate the farmers who work so hard to produce the food and the experience of shopping there is so fulfilling in itself. I just wish that I could afford to buy all of my groceries there!
I love these kind of markets.
Familiar food and familiar behavior. Sadly most of these 'businessmen' would not exist if not for accommodating and foolish customers. I am always ready to desert a dishonest business, but luckily there are still many good ones around...
Looks like a great market. Given the good prices, wonder if eventually there will be some effect on your day to day food prices.
What a drag for someone to come along and put a damper on such a great event. Yummy shot of all the cheeses Gunn.
Jeg ville mægtig gerne opleve sådan et marked, mumslækkert ;-)
Du og dine ønskes nogle hyggelige juledage samt alt bedst i 2012 :-D
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