My husband and I bought our new bicycles today, after visiting an auction plus 3 shops.
Mine is a retro style bike, and my husband went for something more sporty.
This afternoon we had our first tour together, trying out the gear system etc.
Stavanger has lots of cycle paths, so I look forward to trying out more of them.
Excellent! Enjoy your rides.
Stilig bilde:)
Gratulerer med nye sykler:)
What a very cool image of shadows. :) Enjoy those bikes!
Shadows, a change of pace from reflections! Enjoy your new bicycles!
I love retro style bikes!
Love your creative shot!
Have a good weekend. :)
Nice biking shadow photo, Gunn! Don't forget your biking helmets! Sakerhet forst og framst! Anne and I just got bikes this week, too! The girls all have them too - here we go!
Yay!!! Love the shadows the bikes make. I hope these don't end up like your previous bikes. :)
A super shot!
oh what a great photo! i like shadows a lot.. :)
and bikes too... i miss my bike a lot here, in the US where the bike paths are not as good (non-existent) as in the netherlands....
Enjoy those new bicycles. How nice that you have cycle paths to use.
Great bikes and heavenly shadows.. Carla
Funny Photo and beautifull blue river!
Today afternoon... I was at the House of Literature and I made a view photos for you. I know you like this place. I have posted today. Have a nice Sunday:)
Love this shot!!! Wonderful shadows!!!
Great pictures... and biking is great as well!
I do every day min. 40km... It keeps your body and mind in shape. My favourite brand is Cannondale.
A good way to see life around in a different way like you just did with these shadows...
Cool capture!
Well done!
Tillykke med Jeres nye cykler - må de få lov til at tjene Jer trofast i mange år ;-)
Snart skal min gamle cykel frem i lyset, det skal blive dejligt!
Jättefin skuggbild!
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