I met ALBERTO and CRISTIAN from Spain, or more to the point, Baskerland.
They were a bit lost, the tourist office was closed, they wanted to rent bicycles, not possible.....
Well, they asked me where all the people were? When I looked around..... there really were not many people in town, so I explained that some had gone abroad, to Spain etc. Some were up in the mountains skiing and some were taking a break at their holiday cottages..... Sorry guys, I understand why you asked why the tourist office was closed, and don't people go on holiday to Stavanger? They do, but Easter is sooooo quiet that it can be a little boring. But tomorrow they are going up to "The Pulpit Rock", and that IS a really fantastic trip in nice weather like today, and something to tell their friends about.-
I invited them for a stroll around the city centre and the area known as "Old Stavanger". We popped in to the Oil Museum, and met a service minded Danish man, who gave out info. in Spanish.
Have a nice 10-11 day holiday,
including Bergen, Oslo and Trondheim !:)
Very nice of you to give them a tour of the town. That Pulpit Rock thing sounds interesting.
You sound very welcoming. They were solucky to meet you.
That was wonderful. You are the new tour master.
Like the others, Gunn, I think they were lucky to run into you.
Wonderful! Very nice of you.
Well, I was out with the camera, and it was just nice to be able to show them a little bit of my town. I guess most of us would have done the same given the opportunity. When traveling in Japan some years back, complete strangers would MAKE time and go out of their way to help my husband and I when we got lost. Our experiences in Japan left their mark on us and our attitude towards "strangers", and how we can all be nice to each other.
Do I see a look-alike Fernando Alonso.. the F1 driver !
Love his hat! And that's a nice story in your comment about Japan :-D
Pass it on... good deeds to strangers such as these have a ripple effect. Yay for you! I'm glad that you got a nice photo of their happy faces.
This happens here quite often and outside important holidays...
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