I just want to say "Thank You" to all of you who take the time to leave comments on my blog.
It is very much appreciated!
I know it takes time, and for many of us, English is not even our first language.
When I popped over to the shop tonight I found a little something that I want to send to one of you.....
The only thing YOU need to do if you are interested in winning it, is to tell me, and the other readers of this blog, what YOUR favorite Christmas music/song is by writing the title in a comment here...
At midnight tomorrow, I will ask my husband to pick a number. If for example, he picks 3, comment number 3 will be sent the package in the post (The winner will have to send me his/her postal address).
It seems people from all over are meeting in blogger world.
I'm Lebanese Armenian .I speak arabic french english armenian and little bit of greek.
So english is surely the main language.
I like Santa baby, I think Marilyn Monroe sings it.
I am here in the USA, in Kentucky. I really enjoy seeing how others, around the world, live out their daily lives. I have been enjoying your photos. I have to say that "O' Beautiful Star of Bethlehem", is my favorite Christmas song.
My favorite is 'Silent Night', if possible in the original German version.
I too am from Kentucky. Baby It's Cold Outside wins my Christmas favorite title.
I'm thankful for the people who leave comments on mine too because I'd lose motivation quickly if I never had any comments!
It's hard for me to pick a favorite Christmas song, but the song Santa Baby is what I always play to kick off the holiday season so I'll say it's my favorite.
I am thankful too for all the people that visit my blog and love it when they leave a comment. My favorite Christmas song is "Carol Of The Bells".
It is always nice to get a comment on your blog and I love it when someone takes the effort to do so. My favourite Christmas song I heard on the radio today John Lennon's "So this is Christmas"
: - ) That is me across the miles with a big smile on my face!! I'm happy to have won!
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