Thursday, 23 September 2010

Lots of RAIN and FOG today!!
Under my umbrella...... I have my dreams,- and I have nice memories from last weekend at the French Riviera:)
Splash-splash!! I have "parked" my summer shoes.
It will be Wellingtons for some time now......


  1. It's getting serious, but the picture is great!

  2. If it was a beautiful sunny day, the photograph might not be so beautiful.

  3. Oh how fantastic - a weekend on the French Riviera! That should help you face the onslaughts of a Norwegian winter!

    This is a provocative and quite beautiful photo!

  4. Med regnhatt fra "mi amor & sic amor" i rue du Pont Louis-Philippe, Paris, og teksten "Les pieds dans l`eau, la tête dans les nuages" på paraplyen, går regnværsdagene som en lek !

  5. This is such a cool photo!

    Regarding your question: it seldom snows here (Lisbon area). It happened twice in my lifetime: 1954 (which I don't remember... LOL!) and 2007.
